Bye-bye plastic flowers, hello Chicken Pot Pie!

Moving down the street a bit, we enter the Coca Cola Corner.

Lights and flooring seems to be the same, but some extra gingerbread ornamentation and other flourishes seem to have been added over the last thirty years.

And from May, 2006. It looks like they changed the horse! Somebody better fill out a complaint at City Hall!

This was the closest thing I could find in my "archives" to match the angle; a little off, but you can get the idea!

Meanwhile, in DVD news: John Delmont’s fantastic DVD “The Secret Tour of Disneyland” has been updated and expanded. John explained what was new in this edition:
In a nutshell, the 2nd Edtion of the Secret Tour of Disneyland is an update. There were several changes we wanted to make to keep things current. On the first DVD, Lauren mentions that Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln was on hiatus saying, "The hope is someday this great attraction will one day return." Well... it did, so we went back out and re-shot that line. The biggest change is we re-mastered the DVD to 16:9 anamorphic, so it plays and looks better on today's newer TVs. Instead of letterboxing the picture, the image fills the 16:9 screen. If someone is still using an older 4:3 TV, their DVD player should automatically letterbox the image.
We met some very interesting cast members and got some great inside stories. While visiting Frontierland, Lauren listens as Farley the fiddle player tells the story of Walt's ghost.

Bonus Menu. We took the Easter Egg Videos and added three more videos and just made them easier to find...

Some of the Green Screen magic: we tried to make these sections informative and playful. We couldn't really climb the Matterhorn, but with the green screen and a couple of layers we were able to have some fun.

Lauren as one of the Singing Busts in the Haunted Mansion.

We wanted to be able to take people to places they normally don't (or can't) go to. Like the Jules Stein Eye Institute. The children's ward there has a beautiful tile mural designed by Mary Blair and donated by Walt Disney. People can see this treasure via the DVD and they don't have to drive up to UCLA in traffic, pay the $8 for parking, and get permission.

We really wanted to spend time in the park and do things that we thought were fun, but that a lot of people were not aware of... like riding on the Lilly Belle or up front with the engineers.

See more Disneyland Main Street, U.S.A. photos at my main website.
Love that Coke Corner shot!
So Lauren didn't really climb the Matterhorn???
Great shot showing how the Penny Arcade used to extend over to Coke Corner before the Candy Palace was expanded!
Love the "before" and "after" comparisons, Dave!
That alley looked so much better as a flower market, but it probably turns a bigger profit as a food service.
Excellent post and love the comparison shots. I don't care what anybody says, OUR castle is the prettiest!
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