Welcome back to these July 1955 3D images showing Fantasyland. The Chicken of the Sea Pirate Ship Restaurant was still under construction after the opening of Disneyland. Look at those workers toiling away while Guests go casually about their business!

My genuine FauxD© process makes you feel like you are standing right there!

Note the early Tournament Festival style façades of the Fantasyland Dark Rides. Mr. Toad can be seen in the background. On the far right it looks like a tot in a stroller is in imminent danger of a time-out!

A nice juicy closeup of Dumbo!

At this stage, the ears were still on hinges and they were able to flap. Well, sometimes at least. That was the theory.

Storybook Land was but a dream at this point; the banks were nothing but mud.

An overview of Fantsyland for the final shot today, featuring King Arthur Carrousel and the Snow White dark ride.

Still a few more to come!
See more vintage and contemporary Disneyland photos at my main website.