It’s a one-punch “series” today...one-day only, folks! That‘s right—just a quickie. First one up shows the little rascal of this slide set, happily posing aboard the Mark Twain. You can tell by his sassy shirt and smile that this kid is plotting some shenanigans over on Tom Sawyer’s Island once he gets off the Twain.
Over at the Autopia, you can also see the Skyway buckets passing the Carousel of Progress as they come in for a landing at the Tomorrowland Station.

Little Rascal is rounding the bend on Autopia. I am guessing that mama was the one standing in the bushes taking the photos of her hubby and precious little Alfalfa.

Last one for today shows pop and Alfalfa enjoying (?) a leisurely journey on the Motor Boat Cruise. No need to steer folks...this is one of the most brainless attractions you can find!

See more Disneyland photos at my website.