In playing catch up with my website, Roger Rabbit's Car Toon Spin is apparently another one that I let languish for awhile. Here are some shots I capture a few years back that hadn't been posted yet. Board your cab and get ready for the ride of your life!

Roger is one of my favorite cartoon characters. Slightly dingy...full of fun...a bit obnoxious. Sounds like me.

Jessica in danger!

The famous bull in a china shop that you've all heard about.

Entering the power house:

I would not want to enter this door - what a menacing façade!

Roger is about to get electrified:

Ah, art deco - bestill my heart!

I don't care if much of this ride relies on fluorescent paint effect; it still works for me!

A big pie in the kisser comin' atcha!

One of the weasels:

Jessica escapes and goes after her captors, the weasels:

The pink elephant in the room that you've heard of:


In definitely more somber news, yesterday I read that actor/singer Mark Salling from "Glee" supposedly took his own life shortly after he plead guilty for possession of child pornography. Few things make me sadder than hearing that someone feels they have no other options than to exit this world. We all have demons...we all have sadness; some is just more visible than others.

Take a moment to cherish those that are important to you; you never know what's going on with them below the surface.
See more Roger Rabbit's Car Toon Spin photos at my main website.