Scarf-gal loved Fantasyland; maybe she related to the princesses. Here she is, sitting outside of Sleeping Beauty Castle. A closeup shot shows the pained expression on her face (“Please don’t take another photo! I want to go to Fantasyland!”).

Just as she makes it over the drawbridge, photo-guy is snapping her again, this time outside Merlin’s Magic Shop:

Let’s get nosy and zoom in on the ladies to the right, in front of the spider-webbed window display:

Photo-guy allowed Scarf-gal to have the camera long enough to shoot him inside the Monkey Cage at Casey Junior:

Here’s the Chicken of the Sea Pirate Ship Restaurant, before it got the Skull Rock Cove addition:

Scarf-gal gets in front of the camera again, while off to the left, Millicent is having problems with her girdle.

Scarf-gal is shamelessly trying to pickup a pirate as she laughs in the face of danger!

Not too much going on in the crow’s nest:

Anybody care to make a Tuna Burger to relive the glory days of the Chicken of the Sea Restaurant? Here’s a vintage trayliner from the park that has the recipe, submitted by Daveland reader Don Fisher:

Come back tomorrow for the conclusion of this series! See more Disneyland Fantasyland photos at my website.