All aboard for a trip below the beautiful briny sea! Looks like our vessel MIGHT be the Triton. Here are a few shots of what you will see through your porthole windows:

Hope you enjoyed this three-part series showing how the park looked in December 1961.
Back to present days, here are a few shots of my most recent trip, focusing on one of my favorite areas, New Orleans Square. Love the theming as we pull into the station there:

Tiana is back with a musical celebration near the French Market:

And a few from The Blue Bayou:

WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR DEPT.: Knotts fanatic, theme park designer extraordinaire, and author Chris Merritt just told me that the fantabulous event at Knotts Berry Farm on 4/18 has yet to sell out. WHAT???? At only $55, this one is a no-brainer!

Here are some of the activities available:
* Historical walking tours of Ghost Town
* Historical walking tours of Grand Avenue
* Sales and signing of Knott’s Preserved (pre-orders available)
* Multimedia lecture on early Knott’s history in the Bird Cage Theatre
* Group buffet dinner in the Chicken Dinner Restaurant
* A panel discussion with former Knott’s designers in the Bird Cage Theatre

See more Disneyland photos at my regular website.