Today is Disney Legend Dick Van Dyke's 87th birthday. Although he has had a diverse career in a wide variety of movies and television shows, to me, he will always be best known as the beloved Bert from Disney's "Mary Poppins."

When I found out he was a narrator for Candlelight this year, it was a no-brainer that I'd have to get my butt back up to Anaheim to catch one of his two performances.

Storm clouds loomed overhead though, and it looked as if my trip had been in vain, especially since the 5:30 show was rained out, a mere moments before it was set to start. I would not have wanted to be one of those unfortunate cast members who had to calm down the sea of angry guests who had waited for hours to see this special program.
I decided to take my chances and wait on the second show, and fortunately, my patience paid off!

To thunderous applause (and a few early birthday wishes), Dick Van Dyke stepped out onto the podium and told the story of the first Christmas.

Before getting started, Van Dyke checked to make sure that rain wasn't going to get in the way of this performance.

Full speed ahead!
Looking (and acting) at least twenty years younger, Van Dyke's interpretation of the story did not disappoint; it was obvious to see why he had been a favorite narrator of Candlelight for so many years.

In addition, I was able to also enjoy Drew Tablak's "Silent Night" one more time. For me, this song is the highlight of Candlelight, as it emotionally moves the audience to tears each time he pours his heart into it.

At one point in the program, when it appeared that rain might cause an early end, Van Dyke made light of the situation by referencing "Mary Poppins" with the black umbrella that a cast member had handed him.

So in honor of this talented man who has brought so much joy and laughter to millions of people, I wish him a very happy birthday!

See more Disneyland Candlelight photos on my Candlelight web page.
fantastic pics! I'm glad it all worked out!
I remember waiting in the rain to see Mary Poppins when it was released in 1964. This movie is how I best remember Dick Van Dyke too.
I'm glad you hung in there. I'd have taken my chances too to see Dick Van Dyke in Candlelight. Xtra nice pix today!
Wow, he looks great, hard to believe he is 87. My brother saw him at Costco and said hello, and Mr. Van Dyke was super nice to him!
Nice post. I have always liked him, also for Mary Poppins role.
He is a great entertainer, glad to see the years dont weigh on him.
I have an album of him singing pop tunes, ala Rat Pack. He couldnt sing for beans, but I treasure the album anyway.
Major, that's how you know you lived in a place for a long time, when you see your friends in Costco. What a treat for your brother.
Thank you Dave.
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