This batch of photos proved to be a mini-treasure trove to my inner Disney Geek. This first shot shows a thrilled little boy, exiting the Rocket to the Moon attraction. You can just imagine his sense of wonder and amazement after having visited the moon! Zooming in, you can see something in his hand:

Thanks to the photo collection of Kevin Kidney, you can see the Moonliner Certificate that the little boy is carrying:

Attempting to be a detective, I am guessing that next the family boarded a Skyway Bucket at the Tomorrowland Skyway Station:

Captured this shot of the Moonliner (from where they had just seen the moon!):

Sailed gently over Monstro and Storybook Land:

and then snapped this Fantasyland photo as their bucket landed in the Fantasyland Skyway Station:

Over in Frontierland, it appears that they might have had a meal at the Chicken Plantation Restaurant, allowing them to enjoy this view of The Rivers of America:

Over at the Indian Village, there's a show going on in the Ceremonial Dance Circle:

Zooming in, you can see the ticket booth for the Indian War Canoes:

Last one from this set shows another Ceremonial Dance Circle view:

For me, attempting to recreate the journey of a family's day from these vintage photos is all part of the fun!
See more vintage & current Disneyland photos on my Disneyland web pages.
Dave, you've made my day with these wonderful B&Ws. The first pic of the kid exiting Rocket to the Moon is a gem.
So wonderful.
Seeing that certificate makes me certain that I had one just like it, it feels so familiar.
I wonder where it went.
Thank you, Dave (and Kevin)!
Thanks for taking us along on this anonymous family's visit to the park. Great fun!
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