1965 marked the first decade of Disneyland, and despite the many early detractors, it continued to thrive. This set of images is from October, when the temperatures begin to get comfortable and the crowds become more manageable. Remember, this was before the days of Mickey's Halloween Party! Here, Mickey takes the baton from Vesey Walker as he leads the band through Town Square.

At first glance, this shot just looks like your typical run of the mill view of West Center Street, plastic flowers at the Flower Market, and the Carnation Cafe mobile.

Upon closer examination, you can see the way cool fixture outside of the Upjohn Pharmacy, which is now the Fortuosity Shop.

Another seemingly ho-hum view of Main Street, facing Town Square:

Becomes a tad more exciting when I zoom into the west side of the street, which affords a look at the Sunkist Citrus House and a genuine Disneyland Tour Guide!

Rounding out this portion of this set are three views of the Castle, which now sports a crest above the entrance.

See more vintage and current Disneyland photos on my Disneyland photo web pages.
I love that mortar and pestle fixture from the Upjohn Pharmacy. I wonder if it's still around in someones collection.
I used to stop at the Sunkist Citrus House and Sunkist, I Presume in Adventureland every visit to the Park back in the day. Great memories.
Yes, that Upjohn light fixture is pretty spectacular! I'm also noticing how tiny the person playing Mickey Mouse was in the photo. The small size really makes him feel "mousier"!
If this is the same person I'm thinking of, he married the cast member who played Minnie, who was also very small. He later worked at the Orange County Register in the tele-maketing department.
K. - Someone somewhere has to have that fixture! I hope they step forward!
Lee - Thanks for the cool info! How romantic!
I love it when you zoom into the pics!
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