Nothing like a late-night supper at the Blue Bayou; the crowds weren't too bad; there were quite a few empty tables, which amazed me considering it was the weekend before the July 4th holiday.

The beauty of the interior gets me every time. Sure, I know the trees, leaves, and wisteria are plastic, but with the lighting, I am able to push that fact out of my mind and gaze in wonder at the magic of it all.

Besides dinner being tasty, the service was excellent as well. Typically, the staff here is very friendly and attentive.

The view on the water is pretty spectacular too. Not so much the broken-down junky boats, but the blue lighting with the silhouetted trees and fireflies. The only thing to interrupt it was the occasional hooting of guests on Pirates of the Caribbean.

After dinner, I had to ride Pirates; it just wouldn't be a complete experience without doing so. Empty. No guests. Walked right on. Front of the boat. Was it the call of DCA, or the ridiculous increase in ticket prices? You be the judge!

Either way, this attraction is still a favorite of mine.

Within each scene, there are an abundance of mini-stories to enjoy.

I noted that the thief straddling the boat and land was still missing; hopefully this animatronic will be back soon.

Tis time for me to make an exit—until the next installment!

See more vintage and current Disneyland Blue Bayou Restaurant photos on my Blue Bayou web page.
Sounds like you had a great time. Great pics!
Dave, thanks for the time you put into this. New Orleans is truly the gemstone of Disneyland. This is probably the high water mark of amusement park design.
Gorgeous photos, Dave!
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