DISNEYLAND AFTER DARK! My favorite time to be in the park, as the lights create a different kind of magic than the sunlight does. With a smile and a phone call, we were whisked away in the elevator to the second floor dining area of Club 33.

More evidence of my love for light fixtures.

And my weakness for sweets.

As soon as dinner was done, we headed over to the Carnation Plaza Gardens to watch the final performance of Stompy Jones before the bandstand's imminent closing to make way for a princess meet-greet-and-shop.

While the band played their hearts out, the jam-packed dance floor was energized by the passionate fan base that this small area has garnered since its construction under the approving eye of Walt himself.

While this talented couple danced and smiled for the cameras, I can assure you that there were many tears on Saturday night...including the cast members who were on duty that night.

There was heartfelt and mutual applause between the dancers and Stompy.

After the emotional show by Stompy, the four of us finished the night with a marathon photo session around the park armed with our tripods. I will finish this post with the fruits of my labor, as well as my thanks to Matt, Kevin, and Michaela for a fantastic day at Disneyland.

See more vintage & current Disneyland photos on my Disneyland photo website.
Love those shots of Monstro and Dumbo! So sad to see the Carnation Plaza Gardens going away; yet another piece of Walt's Disneyland being replaced by a princess "meet 'n greet", which will be popular with young girls I guess.
Sad to see the last show.
Good that you got to be there.
Thanks Dave.
As one who had free access to the Plaza Gardens dance floor, and took advantage of it at least 4 times a week for years, I'm very saddened to see it go.
Dave; Wonderful color on your night shots.
RE: The Plaza Gardens- I really wish they would step back and ask themselves, "are we sure we really want to do this?"
Once it's gone, it's gone.
Again, terrific shots!
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