Here are 2 shots of the front of the building before the bridge and stairs were put in front to help alleviate foot traffic. That’s a lot of digging! #1 is from May 1967, and #2 is from 1969.

The 1993 shot below (taken by yours truly) shows the underpass/bridge that was constructed to alleviate the foot traffic for Fantasmic. Tony Baxter recently explained that the original directive to accomplish this was to simply remove all the trees/landscaping. His solution to build the underpass and footbridge allowed even more plants and trees to be installed, thus preserving the charm of the park. Just shows what a little bit of visionary thinking and good design can do.

See more Disneyland Pirates of the Caribbean attraction photos at my website.
When I see photos like your pic#2, I really miss original design of the facade entrance area, its like an old friend.
BUT, if I close my eyes and recall the traffic snarl that was usually present, I truly applicate the update Tony Baxter designed. The footbridge does work very well with large crowds, can't imagine a "Packed" day without it - it would be pure gridlock.
Nice shots. The bridge wasn't put in because of Fantasmic! foot traffic, though. It was constructed in 1985 or 1986, I believe, and F! began in 1992.
Just passing on the story Tony Baxter said...take it up with him! Ha!
I was one who worked the attraction and crowd control in the 70's. It was a maze of stanchions, chain dividers, ropes and the like as the line eventually spilled into Adventureland along side the JC. It was amazing to see the improvement that took place. As you say, the fix has enhanced the guest experience and overall ambiance. This one was done right!
So strange to see it the way it used to be... great pictures!
I remember the first time I went on Pirates, the outdoor queue went along the side of the building, where the white bench is in photo #2, and then back to the front of the building. When you were on that side you could peek in the windows and see people in line inside and I think ocassionally get a glimpse of the boats of people arriving at the end of their ride. We always spent a few minutes waiting in line in that little area between Pirates and Adventureland. The wait wasn't all that long though. Also I think there was a Cast Member gate around on that side, leading to a break area or something. I remember seeing groups of cast members coming into or out of that gate as we were standing in the queue. They were in Pirates outfits. That was the first time I ever noticed an "off duty" cast member in costume coming or going somewhere.
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