2nd and last part to the Yippie series. As the day went on, things got somewhat worse, and the police had to get involved. This photo really disturbs me; Disneyland is a place (for me at least) to escape the outside world. Here, the outside world has violently entered the berm and definitely has ruined the magic. Photo 2 shows the Yippies throwing flowers at the police. Sure would be great to do a “Where are they now?” project with the youth in this photo.
The caption for the first wire photo shown here:
HCP080611-8/6/70-ANAHEIM, CALIF.: Under the watchful eyes of helmeted-club carrying police officers, patrons of Disneyland march out Main Street in Disneyland as the famed amusement park was closed five hours early due to a confrontation between so-called "Yippies" and park officials. It was the second time in the fifteeen year history of the park that it was closed early.

This photo came with the following caption:
HCP080610-8/6/70-ANAHEIM, CALIF.: Participants of a so-called "Yippie Day" toss flowers at police at Disneyland as the famed amusement park was closed five hours early due to the confrontation. The famed park was closed after scuffles broke out in the park.
Another disturbing non-Disney type photo came with this caption:
HCP080622-8/6/70-ANAHEIM, CALIF: Police subdue a demnonstrator after violence forced the famed amusement park Disneyland to be closed five hours early. 18 people were arrested following a "Yippie day" at the park.

This last photo is probably unrelated to Yippie Day, however, it was in the same batch. At least someone is laughing and having fun in today’s post. Back to normal fantasy in tomorrow’s post.

See more vintage Disneyland Yippie photos on my regular website.
So strange to see cops in riot gear lining Main Street USA! I guess it wasn't such a harmless prank. I originally thought that the police just overreacted, but it looks like the yippies really were a nuisance.
I love that last photo with the cute babe!
Whew, these are disturbing to any Disneyland fan. The photos flat Black & White AP style adds to the weirdness. Thanks for showing these, it is part of Disneyland's history.
The last shot is perfect and sweet, thanks for ending with that one.
Reading about this in Davd Koenig's Mouse Tales was pretty depressing. The Yippees and Disney park management handled it rather strangely.
The last shot, the lady is wearing a Germany sash...
Dave; Notice all the guys lined up on Main (1st photo) as first line of defense (short sleeved white shirts). These "security" people were pulled in from the outside Disney facilities and studios to keep peace between the police and yippies, to prevent direct confrontation. I noticed that the uniforms varied among the police. Can you tell where they were from on the badges or arm patches? At this same time I was working for Hughes Aircraft in Fullerton, and they protested there too.
Unfortunately I cannot make out what the patches or badges say; these are from an 8x10, not a neg or slide.
haha...Dave, you don't have super x-ray vision, super-powered editing software or a microscope?
Still...some great shots.
I was there with my family and remember a couple of things with unusual clarity. One was a Disney employee, angrily sweeping up debris on Main Street as we left. It was one of the few (maybe only) times I've seen an angry Disney worker. The other thing I recall was seeing three Yipees skipping along the sidewalk near the Disneyland Hotel, chanting "Hell no, we won't go!"
I don't think we were comped for having to leave the park early either. I wonder if I could collect on that today . . . with interest that might just buy me a parking pass . . .
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