This guy/gal just loved Town Square; he couldn’t leave. I can relate...when I am leaving the park, I often linger here trying to figure out another reason to stay, look around, etc. Shot 2 shows the Wurlitzer Shop, the Tobacco Shop (eegads!), and Mabel Normand is playing at the Main Street Cinema.

The Keystone Kops are serenading the crowd outside the Emporium with their barritone saxes; I have included a detail shot of the shop window.

And our LAST Town Square shot for the series: The Chemical Wagon is making its way up Main Street, past the Opera House where not much of anything is going on at this time. Just check out that cute little vintage stroller; they didn’t have those big double-wide contraptions that people haul around the park today.

Tomorrow, we finally make our way up Main Street! See more vintage Town Square photos on my regular website.
These have really been some nice shots of Town Square. Thanks, Dave.
What a great bunch of view's this has been, I especially love the last one. I can hear the horse's clackity-clack sound just looking at it. And I can deal with one little stroller (One is the max however!). I can't wait to see the next installment of this series!
I have to admit, that I do like the colorized version of Main St USA better than the "sepia" inspired colors of old.
But then again, I am from the East Coast!
Amazing shots, Dave!
Fantastic pictures Dave. Great Wonderland Music Co sign.
Wonderful clean photos. They are so clear for that time period. They must have had both a good camera and quality film (slides I assume).
I've ment to ask; What's the big objection to the old strollers? I love those old strollers. We had one just like it, and the seat would act as a car seat too. I know! Very UNSAFE, but they were easy to handle and would fit through all the small isles and spaces in the shops (unlike the monster mega-ton, 18 wheel, behemoths of today).
No objection to the old strollers...HUUUGE objections to the double-wide strollers of today where parents wield them around the park like weapons, running into and over other guests, and loading them up with every toy/contraption imaginable so that junior won't scream when he gets bored. That's it in a nutshell!
When I was little, I had a "Kiddie-Car" stroller. Multi colored with fenders on the wheels. It later would convert to a small tricycle when you got older. It had a small squeeze bulb type horn that I was not strong enough to make a sound, so I would bite it to honk. Now I'm REALLY dating myself.
I've always loved the ornate roof facade of the Opera House....
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