Monday, September 07, 2020

1958 Gems

A few images today from the Summer of 1958 when the Columbia first hit the waters at Disneyland and Alice joined the other dark rides in Fantasyland. First shot appears to have been taken on the steps of City Hall facing Town Square.

In this shot taken outside of the Market House on Main Street note the bunting on the lightpost and the sign promoting the Columbia.

The Skyway floats over the recently opened Alice in Wonderland dark ride:

Our 1958 guests scored a ringside table at the Golden Horseshoe:

Not sure if our guests took a spin on the Columbia or the Mark Twain, but the next two shots were taken from the decks of one of those ships:

A closeup of the dock where guests boarded a raft to explore Tom Sawyer’s Island:

Here a group of guests wait for a raft to take them off Tom Sawyer’s Island back to the mainland.

Note the cast member dressed like he steppe off the set of "F-Troop”:

I hope those of you in Southern California are staying cool and safe from the fires!

See more vintage and contemporary Disneyland photos at my main website.

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