There are some things you see that stick in your memory; the first time I saw Vegas is one of them. January 2002 was the first time I had visited the fabled city, and it would be hard to forget my first impression as my cab was wading through the traffic of the strip at night. I am glad my first sight of Vegas was at night, as I definitely would not have been as impressed if my plane had landed during the day.

I remember my brain being on sensory overload, not knowing where to look next...it was definitely an ADD fest for the eyes, bouncing from one neon sign to the next.

Wanting to get great tickets for the Cirque de Soleil show “O,” I decided to stay at The Bellagio.

Apparently, they were either light on bookings or thought that I was some kind of gambling mogul, because they set me up in a pimped out suite that was bigger than my apartment.

Although it is definitely luxurious, The Bellagio is definitely not my vibe as far as design goes; just like Vegas, it’s very over the top and slightly cold.

Still, my goal was accomplished as I did score excellent seats for “O,” which was absolutely incredible. I am not a huge Cirque de Soleil fan, but this show blew me away.

See more Las Vegas photos at my website.
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