Although I usually don’t pay too much attention to the multitude of rumors that float on the web about Disneyland, when they talk about closing/removing something, I usually err on the side of caution and get my trusty camera out to make sure I have captured a few images for posterity! One of the latest announcements is that the Bank on Main Street will be closed soon to make way for the Disney Gallery. All of the teller windows and furnishings that have been around since opening day will be taken out. Personally, this is much sadder than the latest iasw “scandal.” It is one less shop on Main Street/Town Square that truly makes it a real functioning Main Street. Granted, it hasn’t operated as a real bank since 1993, but at least it gave the appearance of one; now even that will be going away. The first photo for today is a vintage shot from 1956—it must be vintage...notice the “old-fashioned” air-conditioning unit stuck in the upstairs window! Kinda’ detracts from the turn-of-the-century feeling, doesn’t it? Originally operated by The Bank of America, the Bank of Main Street was a fully-functioning bank. Guests could also buy souvenir money orders here with a picture of the Disneyland Bank on them. BOA also sponsored one of the earliest Disneyland brochures; here’s the inside map from 1955:

ATM’s killed the need for a real bank on Main Street; in 1993, Bank of America left and the name officially became Bank of Main Street. To use the word “bank” required permission from the state banking commission since it no longer operated as a bank. Mainly, it has been used as an Annual Pass Center.

So, for your nostalgic pleasure, here is a sampling of current interior images of the Bank of Main Street:

Adieu Bank of Main Street...you will be missed, as are the other “real shops” that used to be on Main Street. See more Disneyland Bank of Main Street photos at my website.
i know, i even understand. i just wish it wasn't so.
to be honest, i seldom visited.i have once or twice, a long time ago, used the bank.
however, i knew it was there and i also remember telling others it was there if needed.
main street is a 'little less real' to me now.
the gallery is a good entry into this space and please include a 'coming' space a la the old days.
but, bye bank. thanks dave for the pictures.
Great Photos Dave! The interior sure is in mint condition, I hope they don't just trash all that beautiful woodwork (like the chicken of the sea pirate ship). I tried in vein to get a photo of the original safe & its intricate door mechanism, they even let me lean in the window, but they all came out blurry!!!! I'm still gonna try, how long do you think it will remain the bank? THANKS!
Arg, they chip-chip-chipping away at everything it seems. What a great space, but it will all be gone soon...
Meanwhile, that artwork for "A penny saved..." is strange. Instead of an old-fashioned kid saving his pennies, it's a kid wearing a backwards baseball cap, baggy shorts, and sneakers.
Tim - Original safe?!? Damn - wish I'd known to look for it and photograph it. Not sure when it's going under the knife; hope to make it back to try again before that happens!
The top photo shows what appears to be a window air conditioner in the upper left BofA window. I didn't know those existed in 1880-1910.
Dear Graffer - Mr. Obvious would like to respectfully point out that this blog entry already mentions the air conditioner in the BOA window.
DOH! A picture is worth a thousand words. I tend to skip that much descriptive text.
If the rumor is true, I will be very sad to see the bank go. I hope they reconsider the decision. I just don't understand why the Gallery HAS to go into the bank space. The other part of that rumor has them moving the passport center into the former Plaza Pavilion space. Why don't they just put the Gallery into that building and leave the passport center where it is? That is just my opinion ;)
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