We’re still lingering in Frontierland today, starting with this oft-taken shot of the Mark Twain rounding the corner of the Rivers of America as it approaches the dock. Probably one of the most taken shots in the park. View #2 is most likely taken from the Treehouse on Tom Sawyer Island:

In the closeup, we can the Skyway (pre-Matterhorn) and the corner of Rainbow Ridge, everyone’s favorite mining town.

Finishing up today with 2 more Tom Sawyer Island views:

This detailed view shows the Skyway pylon as well as a portion of the Chicken of the Sea Pirate ship. Fantasyland is not as far away as it seems!

For my fellow signage geeks, here’s a closeup of the sign for The Old Mill:

See more vintage & current Frontierland photos at my regular website.
Beautiful, beautiful. Thanks for the close-up!
It's nice how the photographer used the high perch of the treehouse to capture views in each direction. Thanks for the look.
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