Unable to leave the land of black and white, I present to you another series of images devoid of color; this time, they are from June 1957. The first shot shows the family hanging out at Sleeping Beauty Castle, probably checking out the swans below. Shot #2 is the backside of the castle, with an unidentified princess waving to her subjects below. Other than the guy taking the photo, nobody seems to notice this poor lass. Anyone know who she is or supposed to be?

And the back of the castle as it looks today:

See more vintage & current Sleeping Beauty Castle photos at my regular website.
Cool, another great "color challenged" photo series! Check out the size of that Mickey Balloon in the 2nd pic, that thing is HUGE, I want one.... Thanks Dave!
More Vintage Black & White. It certainly works for me.
I have no idea who the lady on the balcony is or is supposed to be...Not a face character. Her dress has a really formal cut like a costume, but the pillbox hat is too contemporary.
Perhaps she's a woman on her honeymoon, and she sweet talked a CM into letting her "fulfill her fondest wish" by letting her husband taker her picture on the balcony.
We will never know.
....or she escaped from a nearby sanatarium and thinks she's the queen of England. She slipped out the emergency exit of the castle walk-thru and moments after that picture was taken, security pounced on her.
Cute photo of the princess and the castle!
Arg, that Peptol-Bismol color from the "today" photo... what happened to the color stylists?
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