Today’s gallery is from Disneyland’s 13th Anniversary, in glorious Genuine FauxD©. This first view looks like it came straight out of the Wonderful World of Color. The rest of the shots are from the fireworks spectacular, and the very last shot was marked “Grand Finale” by the photographer.

As an EXTRA bonus, here is a Bicentennial July 1976 brochure; what a musical lineup!

Have a happy and safe July 4th! See more vintage and current Disneyland fireworks photos at my website.
Great fireworks shots, love the colors! Cool brochure too! I found one from 1971 for my blog today, I don’t have much stuff for the 4th, seems like DL focus more on its anniversaries in July! Thanks!
Whoa, that first castle photo is quite possibly one of the most beautiful I have ever seen.
And I have two words for you: Sunshine Balloon!
Have a great 4th Dave. Thanks for all the great pics, Richard.
Isn't it nice to finally have a use for all those fireworks images? You must have thousands! And these are beauts! Thanks, Dave.
Great fireworks images from 40 years ago!
On the "Celebrate America" Graphics, I'm kind of surprised they just re-used the 50's stylized "Abstract Castle" logo rather than design a more 70's looking piece of master art to be inserted for the Bicentennial promotions.
Thanks Dave!
That brings back some great memories of summer nights at the French Market enjoying Disneyland Mint Juleps, Fritters and listening to Teddy Buckner and his Jazz All Stars.
Hmmmm (.. and other Gurgly Homer Sounds)
Mint Juleps and Fritters.
(Hungry Homer sounds continue...)
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