It’s October 1966 and we’ve made the first difficult decision: which tunnel do we cross through under the railroad tracks? Looks like our photographer might have chosen the “right” tunnel, and as he exited, who was there but Mickey Mouse! Anybody need to make a restroom stop while we’re here? Our next decision is which land in the hub to choose to visit first...but wait, what’s going on at the House of the Future? Looks like a little lover’s spat between the Space People of the Future! I can just hear the lady on the left, "Children, please don’t look at the funny people in the plastic helmets!”
Even though there may be some problems going on in the future, let’s choose that as our destination today, beginning with this shot of the Moonliner, now sponsored by Douglas and not TWA.
From the Skyway, we have this nice shot which also includes a corner of the Flight Circle and scenic Anaheim in the background; but wait, there’s even more going on here. Our spatting couple can be seen in the detail shot that I have included. They just need to punch out on the time clock and take that stuff out of the Happiest Place on Earth. Actually, it appears that they’ve made up and are ready to sign autographs again.
Speaking of the Skyway, here’s the Tomorrowland Station on the left, with those funny little square buckets sailing through the Matterhorn:
Last two shots show a little Sub action from the Skyway and the Yellow Monorail:
Tomorrow, we’ll follow the Skyway into Fantasyland for some more October 1966 gems. On another note, my painting of Bette Davis in “All About Eve,” which I titled “Copper Bette,” is being used to promote the Lowell Massachusetts Film Festival; I was pretty stoked when they purchased the use of it for this.
Speaking of cigarettes (follow the Bette Davis connection here), I recently received the new “101 Dalmatians” DVD; great restoration and way cool extras on the making of this classic. Never really realized how revolutionary the use of the Xerox was until I saw the documentaries talking about Walt’s displeasure with the new technique. Anyway, back to cigarettes; it is wonderful to see Marc Davis’ animation of Cruela de Vil, parading around campily and waving her pink cigarette with the green smoke. Interestingly enough, the cigarette is kept in the film, but nowhere to be found in the publicity stills or DVD box art; you can tell by the articulation of her hand in this shot that it as been edited out:
See more vintage and current Tomorrowland photos at my website.