In part two of my Labor Day Spectacular, I will be concentrating on the glorious Summer of 1959 additions. Can you imagine that the Matterhorn ever began this way? Talk about breaking a project into its smallest pieces! On the right-hand side, you can see the Moonliner in the distance.

Here is the skeleton of this mammoth man-made mountain:

I am getting dizzy looking at this closeup; not a job I would want to do:

Two consecutive Matterhorn construction shots, with corresponding detail shots:

The small green trees on the mountain stand out:

The view from Central Plaza:

The vantage from Frontierland:

Back in Tomorrowland, the Matterhorn looms over the House of the Future:

Pulling back to see the construction of the Submarine Lagoon:

Guests enjoying Tomorrowland while workers get down to biz on the other side of the fence:

Zooming in to see the workers:

Hard to imagine all of the work that these cast members did to make this a reality that we still enjoy today.
See more Disneyland Construction photos on my Construction web page.
Great pics today! Disneyland '59 fascinates me. All the layering and fitting of those attractions into such a compact area. To me the Disneyland '59 expansion is what really put Disneyland on the map and elevated it to its status. Love these construction images. Thanks for posting!
I would love to walk around on the bottom of the submarine lagoon. How cool would that be?
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