Fantasyland Noir from May 15, 1962! Shot #1 gives a good overview of the courtyard area; I have included a detail shot of the Fantasyland Theater, complete with ticket booth. Ticket booth? I bought my ticket at the entrance? I don’t need no stinkin’ ticket!
Looks like a few lettermen are visiting the park today.

Dumbo is right in the middle of things as the original Skyway buckets floats overhead.

Uh-oh...looks like Dumbo is down...there’s a cast member apparently attempting to fix things.

The Teacups appear to be down for the count, too; let’s head over to Mr. Toad instead!

It appears to be a miserable rainy day. Not sure if I want to ride around Storybook Land and get drizzled on!

Howzabout we hop on the Skyway in Fantasyland and go over to Tomorrowland. Maybe it will be brighter over there! Detail of the Kodak picture spot and ticket booth included:

See more Disneyland Fantasyland photos at my website.
B&W JOY! Thanks Dave. Nice Ticket Booth shots, I hear the little pointy roof has recently been put back on the booth in your 1st photo! The Storybook Ticket booth shot is sweet too, I know its location was changed, but is the structure the same, I'm guessing not?
Great pics as always Dave. But I have to tell you that the interior shots of the Tuna Boat were, as the kids say today, "OFF THE HOOK", later to be called "OFF THE CAPTAIN HOOK". Those pictures are on my list of top 5. And then you have to say, "Why was that ship just ripped apart and destroyed". A real shame! Thanks again and glad to be back, Richard.
Tim - Not sure about the Storybook Ticket booth; I would guess that at least portions if not the whole thing are original. Richard - welcome back!
I have to agree with Viewliner; the publicity shots of the Chic-O-The-Sea boat are a real treat. The whole Capt. Hook theme was really great. Publicity shots are the best because of the unique clarity, and lack of spontaneity that makes them so irresistible. Thanks Dave.
The rainy shot of Monstro is odd, notice how it is wet only in areas, completely dry in others. ??
Nice bunch of Fantasyland images!
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