This fun-loving and drunken group of men is watching the Wench Auction from across the water. Here’s two close-ups of the same blokes at the Cantina:

Here’s another one from the cheapseats; these drunken pirates just can’t get enough of the Red-Headed Wench. Or maybe the Old Maids is what they fancy.

As you go under the bridge from the Auction Scene, you are leered at by 2 drunken pirates. Here they are from a vintage publicity shot:

And some recent closeups:

With beard and without; and the blindness apparently goes back and forth between the two eyes. Follow the bouncing patch!

As I was going through my daily viewing of Disney-related sites/blogs, I saw this AMAZING 1956 16mm footage that John Frost over at The Disney Blog linked to; Walt Disney himself is featured in this footage from Jeff Altman's grandfather. It is probably the clearest home-movie footage of the park that I have seen. Jeff has been trying to figure out what Walt and crew were trying to film at the time. Anyone know the answer?
Home Movies At DisneyLand - 1956 from Jeff Altman on Vimeo.
See more Disneyland Pirates of the Caribbean photos at my website.
Wow, last night I read the last issue of E-Ticket cover to cover then fall asleep - then I wake up to awesome video footage from 56. Too cool! Thanks Dave!
The Pirates pics are always great. But this video is fantastic.
I love the variations; clean velveteen vest, dirty velveteen vest. And the jumping eye patch is hilarious.
You weren't kidding about how clear that video was, that was great.
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