It’s a great big beautiful tomorrow in 1962, however the House of the Future looks like it needs a good powerwashing. Even plastic gets dirty in the future.
The Matterhorn is adorned with the Christmas Star. I'll bet that thing can pick up all kinds of TV stations!

America The Beautiful is playing over in Tomorrowland and The Clock of the World is still telling time for guests. That AT&T replica satellite looming over the building sure looks ominous!

For the Major, here is a closeup of the previous photo and the circular signage, which won't be too helpful since it is blurry; however, the second shot (although slightly different) will be easier to decipher and is from 1964:

TWA is out and Douglas is in over at the Rocket to the Moon attraction. Dig that steam coming out of the Moonliner! Must be time for another flight.

Anybody care for a voyage into liquid space aboard the Seawolf?

We’ll be leaving Tomorrowland in our Blue Monorail; boy is that thing going fast!

READER QUESTION: What kind of technology runs the Tiki Room these days? I remember the "World of Color" segment that showed the "Tiki Room's" computer control room, all spinning magnetic tape and punch cards (and one lone coffeemaker). I'm sure that's been upgraded to a single workstation, but I do wonder if all that machinery is still there, backstage. And if they upgraded the coffeemaker, too?" Any of you insiders that know the answer, it sure would be great to hear from you! Thanks -

Detail-man Jason from Disneyland Nomenclature pointed out that the man in the cowboy hat sitting on the horse-drawn streetcar from the other day's 1962 shot was cast member Charley Brock. However, Charley's family has weighed in and it doesn't seem like it is him at all.

See more Disneyland Tomorrowland photos at my website.
Yup! I do believe that is Charlie. It looks like he's just finishing a hook up, or getting ready to switch out one horse for another. The early morning fog would suggest the first. Those big boys only worked a few hours a day ya know.
Such a great bunch of photos, I especially like the America the Beautiful exterior with the AT&T satellite, those are rare (wonder how long that satellite was there?).
Any idea what those round signs are in front of the attraction? The one with the red X and the other red sign?
The AT&T satellite is a replica of TELSTAR. Great pic of the World Clock, always my favorite. BTW, yesterday's pic of the Snow White wishing well area, is without a doubt the best pic of this area I have ever seen. Thanks Dave all is appreciated.
Great photos. I NEVER tire of looking at vintage Disneyland pictures. Although they make me SO long to be there!
Major - I posted some closeups of the round signs. Not the best, but hopefully they will help!
Yes, how long was that satellite replica in place? I don't think I've ever seen a photo of it before this? Have you ever posted a photo of it before? I'm totally confused....LOL!
Chris - I posted a photo of the satellite once before and Cox Pilot was the one who identified what it was.
Hey Dave, thanks for the closeups of the signs! I wonder why that red X is on the one that says "Circarama Theater"? Love the graphic look of 'em.
The man on the horse-drawn streetcar is definitely NOT Charlie Brock. Charlie Brock was married to Dorothy Brock, my dad Robert Eddington's sister. We travelled down from Monterey every year to stay with Uncle Charlie and Aunt Dorothy. The profile of that man on the streetcar bears no resemblance to Uncle Charlie! In one of the Disney books sold years ago in the park there is a pic of Charlie and Walt Disney standing at the packmule ride with one of Walt's grandkids sitting on a mule, pretty sure Uncle Charlie never weighed more than 125 lbs soaking wet!
Six years later, thanks for weighing in with your opinion, Anonymous!
Sorry, didn't realize it was that old a blog. Was just looking for some info on my uncle, put his name in google and your image (the lower pic) showed up. That lower pic is definitely my uncle, just not the guy on the streetcar. Bit of a technophobe, anonymous was the only option I could figure out. I'm Rich Eddington, Charlie's nephew and an optometrist now in Colorado Springs. He passed away from cancer around 1983, was one of the last members of Disney's 55 club to retire...
No need to apologize; the two people who suggested it was Charlie are very reliable sources (one worked at the Park in the early years and the other is a very well-researched historian). Not to say they couldn't be incorrect, but I don't take their opinions lightly. Do you have any other information about Charlie or photos of him from the park?
I've got 4 siblings, and Charlie was our only uncle on my dad's side of the family. We spent much time at his house in Garden Grove. I'll post your streetcar pic to them for their opinion. Will not tell them what I think, just ask their opinion. Also as an optometrist I can tell you he only wore reading glasses, he would have to remove them to see clearly at distance. The man on the streetcar is definitely wearing specs.
Here's the family consensus, not only do we think our uncle is not the man in the pic, but probably a very nice Disney employee not getting the credit here:
Alice: I don't think it looks like him at all. He had a thinner face. I may be wrong, but see what others think.
Annette: I don't think it's him, yes uncle Charlie was much thinner .
Margaret: No, doesn't look like him.
Robert: No ... Not him.
Thanks for your help on this - I have updated the post to reflect!
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