California Here I Come! I really like the "new" entrance to DCA, done in Streamline Moderne. Here's a grainy 1957 shot of its inspiration, the long-gone Pan Pacific Auditorium.

Back to Anaheim, this vintage-style billboard is difficult to see unless you are outside of the gates to Buena Vista Street.

My destination was the Tower of Terror; along the way I got to see the gleaming Red Car Trolley:

I still hold hope that one day they'll turn the Hyperion into a real theater with a lobby instead of a cheap faux façade.

Sharp eyes would have noticed this Chip and Dale Easter "egg" perched atop the theater.

The Red Car was parked outside of the Tower of Terror. This new "old" mode of transportation is one of my favorite parts of the revamped DCA.

This will sound crazy to some, but the main reason I love the Tower of Terror attraction is the lobby. I don't mind standing in line, as it gives me time to view all of the vintage details.

I wonder what Room 403 looked like?

Those are some crazy cobwebs.

The Shirley Temple doll and Oz book are still sitting on the couch.

The overstuffed furniture sure looks comfy.

Think there's anything to eat inside of that covered dish?

Don't bother ringing the bell. Nobody is going to answer, except maybe DCA security.

Lunch was at the Carthay.

What a lovely entrance to this stylish restaurant.

Inside the lobby area, there was a display of vintage Dumbo items.

I cannot rave enough about the beautiful interior.

Lunch was inside the sun room area, which has some great views of Buena Vista Street from above.

My soup was tasty, with just the right amount of spice.

The Chicken Scallopini was flavorful, providing a delicious finale to a very fun day.

There you have it readers. You have now shared my April trip to the Disneyland Resort!
See more vintage & current Daveland Disney California Adventure photos on my main website.
Some special doors are green and have a big "33" next to them. Others are so innocuous you could easily take a pic and post it, completely unaware of how close you were to something even rarer. ;-) Love the T0T pics, likewise I wish I could spend a lot longer in the pre-show room. The lights go dark and you listen to faux-Rod-Serling but there's never enough time to look for all the actual screen-used Twilight Zone props that are on display in there. Rode the trolley yesterday for my first time so I can appreciate what you see in it.
Thanks Dave for providing me with my daily Disneyland fix!...Darryl
Thanks for taking us along on your trip. Always enjoyable.
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