When we were last with Suzy, she had herded us onto the Fred Gurley at the Tomorrowland Depot; this morning, we exit at the Frontierland/New Orleans Square Station, with this lovely detail shot of some of the props nearby. Although this building (used as a breakroom for cast members) is not original to the "So Dear To My Heart" inspired depot, it definitely fits seamlessly into this area. You can find these same buckets atop the Mark Twain:

Suzy took our group over to Adventureland next, where we marveled over the wonders of the Jungle Cruise:

I could have cropped out the perfectly coifed and lacquered blond hairdo on the right, but it’s such a part of the times that I decided to leave it in.

Everyone was hungry after taskmaster Suzy walked them from the depot to Adventureland, so the gang was taken to the Tahitian Terrace, everyone’s favorite Disneyland restaurant of days gone by. Just before they went in, Suzy raised her riding crop and told the tour group there was no time to eat...they must march on. That Suzy sure is brutal!

Last stop on Suzy’s tour is Fantasyland, where we see an accident literally waiting to happen. At first glance, this cute little girl with Chip & Dale steals our hearts; but something more sinister is occurring on the right, causing us to shift our attention. The wacky hipster on the right in the bright yellow poncho continues to push her stroller of death while gabbing to grandma behind her. I am sure some guest had his feet crushed shortly after this photo was snapped. All he got was an "Oops, sorry.” This is one of those behind-the-scenes stories that Disney doesn’t want you to know.

In her last effort to be merciless to her tour group, Suzy herded them over to "It’s A Small World,” where she allowed one of her group to fraternize with a dwarf, but only because it was Grumpy. Do I even need to point out the fashion statement on the left of this shot?

Last one for today, Suzy pushes the tour group onto “It’s A Small World,” while telling them that listening to the song has not been proven to have any long-term side effects on your brain. One smart tour group member stayed behind to snap this photo of Suzy:

See more vintage & current Disneyland photos at my website. Last batch of Disney publicity stills pointing out the comparisons between Classic Disney flicks & “Enchanted”:

Wow, that's some series! You must have had a visit to the Mark Twain's wheelhouse to get that one shot.
As crazy as the fashions are from this era, it is what "makes" the photos for me!
This series is nifty! I've never been to the wheelhouse, you lucky dog! Look out for Poncho lady! I actually got "Ankle whacked" on Tuesday right in front of Pirates, I didn’t even get an "opps sorry"...
Grumpy really does look "grumpy" He must be getting tired of that song! Hey Dave, I have more of "the" song on my blog today, come on take the leap and take a listen.
Nice Tahitian Terrace sign!!!!
Thanks so much for this detailed post, such fun!!!
Love the Tiki shots!
Suzy is kinda scaring me. I wonder what she is doing with her life.
Talk about scary...are those supposed to be chipmunks?
Dave - how can this be 1968 if Big Thunder can be seen up on the hurricane deck of the Mark Twain?
Juuuuuust askin'!
Or is that Twain shot just for comparison of the buckets?
Chris - Your first comment must have been before your first cup o' java. Yup, the Twain shot is a contemporary shot, the rest are 1968.
Over here, we LOVE Suzy! Thanks, Dave.
This is Suzy!! I loved my job at Disneyland! Best job ever! I’m now a retired pharmacist but still have the best memories from Disneyland.
Hi Suzy - So glad you found this post! If you want to share any of your stories about Disneyland please contact me! dvdpicasso@aol.com
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