It’s still October 1966 at Daveland, but we have progressed over to Frontierland. Today’s post features some nice shots of the Nature’s Wonderland attraction, a favorite from long ago that is no longer at the park. Watch out for that Cougar! In shot #2, a few bears are taking a dip in the river while a beehive buzzes over head...I see trouble in the future for those bears and a few bee stings.

Ah, the wide open spaces of Disneyland, with a few wildflowers to color the green fields:

Things look a little dryer over here in this area, but the "animals" are at least out to say hi to guests passing by on the train:

And a few from the Devil’s Paint Pots:

And where else but Disneyland could you see a cactus with personality?

Back in the present, something is going on at the old Nature’s Wonderland Tunnel; I had never noticed these lights before, and I believe they are new. Of course I am hoping that they are some sort of signal of future activity going on in this deserted area. It was interesting to see other guests stopping by this little lake and saying "What's going on over there?" If this is a teaser from Imagineering, it’s working.

Meanwhile, over at DCA, construction continues at the Toy Story attraction due in June. The attention to detail is fantastic, and is a good sign of things to come:

Tomorrow, we’ll be spending time along the Rivers of America. See more Nature’s Wonderland photos at my website.
Those are some SUPER nice Nature's Wonderland pictures! And what IS going on in the old tunnel? Intriguing.
I'm going to have to do some online searching, since I'm still not really sure what Toy Story Mania is all about!
Natures Wonderland looks so real in these pictures (well, except the Devil’s Paint pots!).
The lights at the tunnel looks cool, boy I hope they are planning a little something for over there. I don’t want them to tear it out, but do something! Let us walk over the tunnel on the old pack mule trail; I’d pay extra for that!
Thanks for this series!
Before I left Disneyland I heard from an Immagineer who stopped by my location that thay are working on a feasability study on expanding BTM and using the existing tunnles as part of it... the expansion would include another lift hill which means 2 more trains could be added to the roster...BTW Trail would be lowered at the cross point and bridges like the one in Critter Country would go over the walk way... another study is going on as well to see about using the tunnles for a new attraction that would go where the festival arena is and would be a crossover of fantasy and western themeing
Wow, these are some of the best Nature's Wonderland photos I've ever seen - this person was smart enough to keep the shots wide so a real sense of space is conveyed, which is something you almost never get in these old Disneyland photos.
Didn't the old Bear Country train trestle have a bit of the trestle left with a mine cart out on it a few years back? The front was all boarded up, but it still looked like a mine shaft. Good to know that it's been nicely lit, but I hope they build the trestle again because now it looks less like an old mine shaft and more like just a random cave!
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