Before seeing Cher at the Anaheim Honda Stadium, we stopped at the Disneyland Resort's Grand Californian Hotel for dinner at the Napa Rose.

Although the Grand Californian is a huge facility, because of its Arts & Crafts design, the space seems very warm and approachable.

The knick-knacks throughout the lobby and in the display cases are worth a second look.

And there are the windows for Club 33 members.

Merchandise, merchandise, merchandise. I guess they are attempting to clear house of items with the old logo before the ones with the new (gasp) logo are introduced.

Here is the new logo. Ta-da! Looking like a melting door knocker, the designer needs a serious lesson in Art Nouveau.

Have you put in your order for a Club 33 paperweight yet?

We'll get back to the Napa Rose for tomorrow's post.
See more Daveland Napa Rose photos at my main website.
What were they thinking when designing that logo. It looks like the magic mirror from Snow White, all liquidie. Probably designed by a committee.
As for the logo, what can I say? It's about what I expect from TIIC these days.
Wow. That truly stinks. Why does it look like the cover of a "princess" dvd?
Lee - Not a committee I would want to be on, but I have a feeling Stu guessed which committee it was!
The story as I've heard it from a Club 33 member is that Kim Irvine had something to do with the redesign of the logo ( not actual design but perhaps the initial request and final approval ) and with that name on the side of doing it, they did. So far I've talked to several Club 33 members and I can't find one that thinks this logo is a good idea specifically, or that in general even changing the logo was a good idea at all. They just cut the tie to Walt in doing so.
Aw man.. those Mouse Ears are awesome!
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