#23 on my vintage Hollywood Map is the Hollywood Hotel.

Located on the north side of Hollywood Boulevard between Highland and Orchid Avenues, The Hollywood Hotel was one of the first elegant hotels to spring up in the bustling city of Hollywood. This first photo is from 1906. A closeup of the Hotel's marquee:

This 1950 shot was taken six years before the Hotel was razed to make way for the First Federal Savings & Loan Association of Hollywood, a shopping center, and parking lots.

A closeup of the attached Florist Shop:

On the backside of this photo is a message to Miss Beverly Grant in New York. Today, a 1 cent stamp wouldn't even get this postcard from the service window to the back of the Post Office.

Knowing you'd be as interested as I am in seeing Aunt Laura's message to Beverly, here it is rotated and cleaned up!

Today, this parcel of land is occupied by the Dolby Theater, formerly the Kodak Center and then The Hollywood and Highland Center, which contains a few nods to vintage Hollywood.

From yesterday's post for Cox Pilot, here's a closeup of the sign hanging from the Moonliner. Not very exciting stuff:

See more Daveland Hollywood photos at my main website.
Dave - Have you ever considered doing a book with the photographic material you have? Something along the line of an "Images of America" type book. You have a great collection of photos, both vintage and new. That along with your ability to write captions, I think it would make a wonderful book.
Thanks for the close up Dave. Thought it would be more exciting. Martinez is right about a book, especially if it were about old Hollywood. I lived around many of the images you show.
Thanks Ken & Lee - It is actually on my project list. Will keep you posted!
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