Dinnertime! Is this not a shot straight out of “Better Homes & Gardens”? The beautifully tapered candles that Loretta is just about to light add the finishing touch!

Bob interupts his morning shave to get a video/audio message from Loretta:

Even the kiddies get some great storage options:

Loretta looks a little bit like the dragon lady here with the nails and perfectly arched eyebrow as she shows off the Crane climate control system, which can also add the scent of pine to the room with the touch of a button:

The adjustable height sink is a winner with adults and kids alike:

Replace rotary dial with touch tone? Nawwww....it’ll never happen:

See more vintage Disneyland Monsanto House of the Future photos on my main website.
Do we really need (or want) a video phone in the bathroom? We'll all have to buy nice bathrobes like Bob's.
The kid's storage looks suprirising "Ikea-like".
BTW, the first photo doesn't load for me, don't know if it's a glitch with my server or what.
Great pictures!
Patience, Major - it's probably just your connection. The photo works fine here.
I love these. These are some wonderful pictures that make me want to live in the house 1950s Ikea furniture or not.
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