I can just hear it now: “Hey, this space is just being wasted. Let’s build something here. A huge house of plastic. And just for the heck of it, we’ll put so much concrete in the foundation that they can never get rid of it! Won’t that be a hoot?” For those of you with absolutely no interest in the House of the Future, you may want to skip my blog for the next week or so. And those who are fans...you are in for a treat. I begin my HOFB (House of the Future Blowout) with some chronological photos detailing the construction of this modern plastic marvel. This second shot is a detailed view of area being cleared and an autopia banner hanging on the wall. Detail shot #2 shows the crew discussing what kinds of fun synthetic things they can put in the house.

This is the point of no turning back, folks. The hole for the foundation is getting purty deep. Uh...watch out for one of them suits coming up from Tomorrowland...that can only mean trouble!

See more vintage Disneyland Monsanto House of the Future photos on my regular website.
Neat stuff! I wonder what guests thought of the tiny 'Richfield Jr. Autopia of Fantasyland' banner?
OK - these are some truly amazing shots. Where on earth did they come from?
They are part of a promo packet that Monsanto put out.
Wow, your collection never ceases to amaze me.
Really neat pictures! I can hardly wait for the next post.
Am I late coming to the party in noticing that the Monsanto M and the Monsters Inc M are really similar?
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