Last week we saw some 1960 construction photos showing the “plusing” of Nature’s Wonderland. Today, we’ll see this attraction in full-swing, thanks to a great batch of September 1963 negatives. First up, we see 2 views of the Mine Train circling Cascade Peak, captured from a guest on The Mark Twain.

Zooming in for a closeup of the cab and a lucky young boy who got to sit there!

Although they might have been a little rough, the Pack Mules provided one of the best ways to get a scenic overview of Rainbow Ridge:

Time for the little Mine Train to return home:

Meanwhile, back at the ranch: A Daveland reader requested some info on a patch that he recently acquired at a garage sale where he was told by the seller that it was her late husband's who worked for Disney. Anyone able to identify this patch and possibly give it a year?

View more Disneyland Nature’s Wonderland photos at my main website.
Dave- the Goofy patch is from the late 1970s through the 1980s. The patch is not a costume piece but rather was sold at Disneyland. There are other patches in the series. The patches were sold packaged in plastic bags and also in header cards.
That would be really awesome to see Nature's Wonderland if it was still there.
Wow, that first shot of the train looks like a garden reailroad! I loved this ride and was truly upset when I found out they removed it for a roller coaster...
Dave, thanks for these. So many great pics of the Nature's Wonderland. I really miss it.
Also, it just tears me up to see the old engine, parked like a wreck on the abandoned track. I know they want the "atmosphere". but, it's awful having to see an old friend treated like that. I think it should be restored and put on a pedestal like many old trains you can see in the Gold Country. That's realistic too, in it's own way.
JG - Not sure if your wish is coming true, but the wreck was removed when the Rivers of America refurb happened this summer. Let's keep our fingers crossed and hope that the old engine is about to see better days.
The first two photos are deceptive... the train looks more like a miniature toy model rather than an actual park ride.
I know it was sold in 1977 in Disneyland as a patch. How many years before or after then, I'm sorry I can't help you out with.
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