Here are two shots from Steve Allen's December 1957 visit to Disneyland with his kids. His Skyway bucket is about to drop them off at Fantasyland. Or is it on the way to Tomorrowland?

A group shot at the Fantasyland Skyway Station. The boys were from his first marriage to Dorothy Goodman; the boys (not necessarily in this order) were Steve Jr., Brian, and David.

More vintage and current Disneyland photos at my main website.
Schmock schmock!
Dave, you are correct. Steve Allen and company are about to be dropped off in Fantasyland. Two days of Skyway images! I love it. Thank you!
How interesting... We used to queue to the right of the Casey Jr. R.R. Station. Now we queue to the left of it. Wonder when that changed?
Always your pal,
Amazon Belle
PS @K. Martinez... I am validating the direction. You are not fake news. ;-)
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