For the handful that spoke out, I listened! We are beginning our journey through 1950’s Tomorrowland, courtesy of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Again, apologies for the spotty image quality, but as before, the rarity of some of these pictures will hopefully make up for that. Reading the description in frame 2 makes one wonder why the Imagineers can’t sit down and come up with a creative vision of the future 30 years from now, restoring Tomorrowland to what it initially promised.

And here is the entrance to Tomorrowland, back when it had a little space and much more of a welcoming feel.

The last two shots feature The Clock of the World. One of my intelligent (and more patient!) readers out there could probably figure out the exact date and time these shots were taken.

Come back next Saturday for more Tomorrowland! See more Encyclopaedia Britannica photos at my website.
Thanks for posting these. I am still turning over in my mind how these are sufficiently educational so as to be distributed by Enc. Britannica, but I'll reserve judgment until the end of the series.
Katella - Don't stress about it too much. Just accept that it's a huge stretch and enjoy the images! Disneyland was created with a moderate amount of edu-tainment, especially in Frontierland and Tomorrowland.
I don't care how educational these are, they are still a ton of fun to look at!
Nice, rare image of the Tomorrowland map in the entrance picture.
Oh I'd bet the Imagineers can do it all right, but the folks who are needed to fund it aren't sitting down to entertain it. See, they went to this shindig where someone was pitching what could be done with DCA for only a billion dollars and...
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