Just walking by the building, you probably wouldn’t really think twice about the Peabody Hotel in Memphis, however, it was a fantastic hotel experience for me. Full of history, it was refreshing to see this jewel was still shining; the years had not tarnished its beauty or appointments. The staff was very helpful and friendly and full of Southern Charm.

The rooms were furnished to perfection and kept immaculate. Plenty of space to relax & get refreshed in-between my conference sessions. The hotel also had a number of ammenities: a gym, pool, shoeshine stand, restaurants, and a good selection of high-end clothing stores. Quality all the way.

The lobby was gorgeous; twice a day, it was the setting for the parade of the ducks, a Peabody tradition.

Each morning, the ducks came down the elevator from their rooftop home (Duckingham Palace) to cavort in the lobby’s fountain until their 5pm curfew. Judging from the crowds of guests who filled the lobby, the parade of the ducks could put any Madonna concert to shame!

For more Daveland Peabody Hotel photos, visit my regular website.
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