Just before you exit the attraction, your boat takes you by this treasure map of the Island of Tesoro.
Here’s an overview shot of the approach to the Treasure Map/Treasure scene at the end of the attraction. I do miss the changing color lights that spelled out Pirates of the Caribbean that were in this area before the Jack Sparrow remodel.

This is what the exit treasure area looked like when the attraction first opened back in the 1960’s.

As a Thanksgiving Bonus, I am presenting photos from last night’s D23 premiere of “The Princess and The Frog.”

And yes, it is worth seeing...FAN-FRIGGIN-TASTIC. Two thumbs up. The hand-drawn animation is beautiful; here’s hoping the success of this movie helps bring it back to the forefront. Anika Noni Rose shines as the voice of Tiana. And even though I am not a fan of Randy Newman’s music, the songs are excellent...definitely memorable in a good way (as opposed to the "small world" way).
After a quick "snack" at Denny’s in Burbank, Mar-Mar and I headed to the studio which was decked out for the evening. If you weren’t sure where to go, you just needed to follow the frog-feet!

The Welcome Center was inside of Sound Stage 2, which had plenty of fun props and models to peruse while waiting in line for the movie.

As always, Disney pulls through with the themed popcorn buckets! Mar-Mar could barely wait to open hers and eat it once I bathed it in more butter!

“Toy Story 3” posters adorned the path to the theater.

And what a fantastic theater; the outside was themed to the movie, and the inside was roomy, comfortable, and excellent quality sound/picture. What an excellent way to watch the movie! Co-directors Ron Clements & John Musker spoke before the movie and gave a few tips of fun things to look for during the movie (many homages to classic Disney).

Favorite scene: the Art Deco drawing of “Tiana’s Place” coming to life in a fantastic stylized musical number, “Almost There.” Wow.
Cameras weren’t allowed in the theater, so the next photos I was able to take were of the attraction itself, which was a soundstage decked out with Princess, props, and fun bayou-themed games. This evening alone made D23 membership worth it (not counting the lithograph, cd sampler, and other parting gifts!).

From the archives:

Of course we had to pose with Tiana:

I’m wishing now that I’d bought some of the special cupcakes!

As one would expect from Disney, it was a well-run and magical evening. Now get off your armchairs, snap out of the Thanksgiving food coma, and go see "The Princess and The Frog"—SUPPORT HAND-DRAWN ANIMATION!
See more D23 Walt Disney Studio “Princess and the Frog” photos at my website.
I like the original installation best. Remember the fiber optic POTC diso sign that was there for a while...I hated that thing, it was like some bad rum advertisment.
I'm with William, I got a big smile when I saw your original exit area photo. I do remember that Fiber Optic sign, man was that out of place.
Happy Thanksgiving Dave, thanks so much for all your hard work.
Happy Thanksgiving Dave! How do I get a date with the beautiful Tiana??
I SO want to love this movie, hand drawn animation can be great for the same reason that CG movies can be; great story, great characters.
Wow....great double post. I think that fiber optic sign in POTC had been added sometime in the '80's. I like the A.A. of the parrot that's there now.
Looking forward to seeing the Princess and the Frog. Thanks for the trip report from the special preview!
Happy Thanksgiving to you, Dave!
The original design at the entrance (by Marc Davis) was so much better than any of the others. It was understated, and classic. It gave you the sense that you had stumbled upon an ancient treasure, that unknown persons had left behind. That's the whole set up for pirates - from that point on you are slowly working your way backwards in time... It was kind of a perfect segue between present day and the days of the pirates.
Thanks Chris Merritt for putting what I was feeling in words. I completely agree. In some strange way the "anonymity" if that's the word made it more real and more room for imagination.
Thanks Dave for putting in the good word and urging folks to go see it! CGI is fantastic but all CGI every time? That's like going backwards. Variety is healthier. Here's hoping for a future for hand animation.
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