My Synthetic Seventies Series (how 'bout that alliteration!) is based in New Orleans Square today with a little Frontierland overlap. The family appears to be enjoying a little lunch at the restaurant that is now Café Orleans.

Even if Disney has hidden the movie “Song of the South” for years, they've never had a problem with the characters wandering through the park, posing with guests! The background is undeniably New Orleans Square. Even if these slides were undated, the mother’s sunglasses and plaid coat would place them squarely in the 1970’s.

After lunch, the family took a journey on the Rivers of America aboard the Mark Twain. A little live music made the trip that much better. People may squawk about the price of admission, but where else can you get a day full of attractions AND first-class musical entertainment?

As if one form of transportation on the River wasn’t enough, the family hopped on a raft to explore Tom Sawyer Island, too.

On a different day, the family returned to New Orleans Square...this time they got to see Pluto!

More 70’s fun will follow...just be patient. See more Disneyland New Orleans Square photos at my website.
The photograph with the waitress is very nice. I love she has her name badge at her throat, like a broach.
Plaid! I had a plaid suit (for going to church) when I was a kid, it was truly awful!
Don't be shy about pictures from the 70's. That's really how I remember the park.
were these pictures taken on different days, or did they change their shirts in the last picture?
Somehow, Cross-eyed Pluto is more endearing than just plain old Pluto.
Eric - I commented on the last picture that it was taken on a different day...just a guess, but as you noticed, the outfits are different.
Pepperidge - I had a plaid suit as well! The forced horror of the 70s....
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