Two undated slides here from the same batch showing the Frontierland Depot. Today, the water tower is on the other side of the tracks and no longer bears the Santa Fe emblem. The C.K. Holliday is featured in both views.

Jumping forward from the 50’s to May 1974, we have this shot of the trestle that runs over Bear Country:

Meanwhile, over at Knotts, our October 1970 photographer took these shots for us to savor:

A nice Boiler Plate closeup:

And what’s Labor Day without a little Monkey action? But like the sign says, no teasing!

See more vintage & current Disneyland photos at my regular website. “Nightmare Before Christmas” fans—this Tim Burton classic is now available on Blu-ray, and also features a way cool tour of the Haunted Mansion (NBC version).
man the frontierland/new orleans square station has seen a lot of change over the years. personal opinion; i feel that the current station over there is one of the better more peaceful areas of the park.
We gorillas love monkey action! ;-)
Those Disneyland RR images are awesome,!
Trains! Love trains!
Disney and Knotts both deserve a lot of credit for having and maintaining their railroads. Their railroad systems are a collection of jewels in their own rights even without all the rest of the parks. They still bring joy and carry loads of riders besides the incalculable value of being an attraction that lends fantastic ambiance to the whole. On top of that, they're timelessly cool to see, hear, feel and ride.
Thufer's right, the current Orleans/Frontierland station is still a great spot.
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