By the time this posts, I should be walking to the starting gate for the Disneyland Half Marathon. I am going for it again, hoping to beat my time from last year...and also hoping that the temperatures are much cooler as well. Today’s photo is from the 50’s (most likely 1956/57), with a nice overhead shot of Tomorrowland. This is probably taken before Cox Pilot began work at the Flight Circle, but nevertheless, I am including a closeup shot of that area.

This view shows us the large promo “book” for the Skyway:

Hope you are all enjoying the Labor Day weekend; I know I am looking forward to some Plaza Inn Fried Chicken after my race! See more vintage & current Tomorrowland photos at my regular website.
Good Luck Dave!!!!
Great Overhead shot, I guess the Phantom Boats were history at this point since there lake is empty! They must be getting ready to install the Viewliner!
That first shot is amazing!
It is amazing how much of the back0end of Tomorrowloand could be seen from the train.
Great shot dave! Thanks.
It was before my time (but Keith Palmer and Don Hatcher were there), and it's even before the big building that held the locker rooms, and the Grand Canyon Diorama.
WenMac was operating the flight demos during that time, and the Cox gold thimble was not on top of the center stand above the announcer's chair yet. Early on a couple of guys were hit by a plane up there, so it was almost never used.
I love these old aerial shots of the park in its early years mostly because I like seeing what was surrounding the park before the whole area became so built up. Check out the house in the upper right. Can you imagine what it was like then to live basically across the street from Disneyland? It seems the traffic then was light enough that one could just walk across the street to visit the park.
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