Pt. 2 of the Russian Olympic Team at Disneyland on December 13, 1956. Today, the Russkies are in Fantasyland, enjoying a trip aboard Casey Junior. By this time, the canal dirt/mud was gone and the ride that we know today had already opened. This photo is just screaming for a caption (or two), from the “Monkeys” on the Casey Junior car to the “tracks” on the hair challenged guy with the shades inside the car. Here’s a shot of the same car today:

See more vintage & current Casey Junior photos at my regular website.
Commies! The Red Menace! They probably stole all of Disneyland's secrets and built their own park. Top secret of course!
Nice before and after! There's something oddly funny about seeing those Russkies all crammed in the Monkey cage!
You have probably answered this before but I have to ask...
Where do you get all of these photos?
Chris - The majority of them are from ebay...and as the Major can tell you (since we often bid against each other), we pay through the nose for them!
-So are you telling me I can skip spending hours reading all of these Disney Nostalgia blogs if only I scanned eBay for Disneyland photos!
You might have told me this three years ago! Think of the time I'd have saved.... Just Kidding.
BTW, I wonder if these are the KGB agents sent to "chaperon" the Soviet swimmers?
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