Two images for today from August 1952, served up in Genuine Faux©D! The first one shows our vintage gang outside the famous Hollywood Brown Derby Restaurant on 1628 North Vine Street.
Thanks to a Google Maps shot from about a year ago, it would appear that the building is still there:

Image number two was taken at the corner of Hollywood Boulevard and Vine Street:

Get a load of those deals! A Cold Plate with sliced ham, salami, cheese, liverwurst, tomato slice, and potato salad for only 60¢!! Hold the liverwurst, please. On the other side, Chopped Steak (freshly ground!), vegetable, potato, roll and butter for only 5¢ more!

Obviously this is a vintage photo; not taken within the last few years!
See more Hollywood photos at my main website.
And we all know Lucy is inside, clumsily eating spaghetti in front of William Holden.
Oh to be able to go inside and witness that, Melissa!
Best I Love Lucy episode! Ever!
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