Today, let’s enjoy a leisurely visit to the Dock area of the Rivers of America at Disneyland. The first image is from December 1959. I had to zoom into the boxes to see if I could see any fun inside jokes; none of these names register with me. Notice the El Zocalo sign behind the two guests.

This October 1960 shot seems to be the best shot I have of the El Zocalo sign; still difficult to read. Another bucket list item for my collection!

Here, guests sit inside the bandstand that was once located on the banks of the Rivers of America. This undated view is from the 1950s. The paper hat on the right indicates it’s from the early years, and since Tom Sawyer Island has been built out, we know it’s after June 1956.

An overhead view of the bandstand, September 1958. Because of the angle, it was probably taken from the second story of the Chicken Plantation Restaurant.

This May 1958 image shows the location of the bandstand and the restaurant:

This undated view of Frontierland was most likely taken from the Mark Twain:

It has to be 1950s because the Matterhorn has not been built yet.

The same view from a higher/farther vantage point, most likely the tree house on Tom Sawyer Island. Undated but probably from the 1960s. Because of the round shape of the Skyway buckets, we know it’s at least pre-1965.

The El Zocalo and Casa de Fritos area of Frontierland is visible below:

Enjoy your weekend, whether you spend it on the river or not!
See more Disneyland Rivers of America photos at my main website.
You've stumped me as well. None of those names come back as anyone known or famous. The closest is a Samuel R. Boggs that had something to do with the textile industry but that seems so unrelated. I have to assume this was all before Imagineers having the idea to include names of themselves or other known people.
Wonderful collage of photos from the past. For some reason what stuck me was the picture looking though the bandstand at TSI and the individual wearing the makeshift hat that used to be sold there. KS
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