The above image is a recent acquisition, showing Shirley Temple accepting her special miniature Oscar from author and humorist Irvin S. Cobb. The February 27, 1935 event was held in the Biltmore Bowl at the Los Angeles Biltmore Hotel, seen in the vintage postcard below.

Doesn’t Shirley look adorable?

The previous year, Shirley sat next to Cobb in what I believe to be the Fox Commissary, wearing the same jacket seen in “Stand Up And Cheer” (1934).

Shirley and Warner Baxter in the previously mentioned film:

That coat sure got a lot of publicity use. In this still, Shirley wears a monogrammed hat to complete the look. Note the Scottie dog pin on her lapel, also visible in the Cobb photo.

The same ensemble can be seen at another Fox luncheon where Shirley sat between actresses Iris Foster and Drue Leyton. Writers Elizabeth Wilson (Silver Screen), Muriel Babcock (Universal Service), and Grace Mack (Ladies Home Journal) also joined Shirley.

You can see the Scottie pin in this detailed view:

The room where the ladies ate is still at the 20th Century-Fox studio, and is known as The Shirley Room:

See more Shirley Temple photos at my main website.
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