Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Temple Tuesday: Shirley behind the lens!

In this 1946 images, Shirley Temple is between takes of the movie, “Honeymoon” for RKO studios, sitting on the stoop of her dressing room. It looks like Shirley was taking photos that day; her photo was shot by Rod Tolmie (1902-1980), a still photographer and cameraman during the golden age of Hollywood. I was curious to see what kind of camera Shirley used.

We have a match! Shirley was using a Contax. Edited from Wikipedia:

Contax began as a German camera model in the Zeiss Ikon line in 1932, and later became a brand name. The early cameras were among the finest in the world, typically featuring high quality Zeiss interchangeable lenses. The final products under the Contax name were a line of 35 mm, medium format, and digital cameras engineered and manufactured by Japanese multinational Kyocera, and featuring modern Zeiss optics. In 2005, Kyocera announced that it would no longer produce Contax cameras. The rights to the brand are currently part of Carl Zeiss AG, but no Contax cameras are currently in production, and the brand is considered dormant. They became very popular among professional photographers, such as Robert Capa and Phil Stern, especially photojournalists who demanded high-performance, large-aperture lenses for available-light work and a workhorse. The vertical shutter had both variations in speed, slit and a brake at the end of travel that was again a Zeiss first.

Shirley had good taste! Below is a photo I found online of the camera in glorious color:

The other detailed shot shows a pack of Pall Mall cigarettes. Yes, Shirley smoked. You can even see a lit cigarette smoldering on the edge of the table.

Here’s what that pack of death said on the side:

“Protects your throat”? Yes, one of the many reasons you should be wary of advertising! On the same day, Shirley posed behind what I am “assuming” (very dangerous!) was Tolmie’s camera with her stand-in, Mary Lou Isleib.

“Say cheese!”

See more Shirley Temple “Honeymoon” photos at my main website.

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