In this September 1969 image, a father with just my type of humor is shown in an open grave on Tom Sawyer Island. The daughter looks appropriately melancholy. “Oh, Dad! Do we have to jump in the grave?” This is new to me; I don’t recall ever seeing an open grave that guests could pose inside of. The earliest shot in my collection of the “Unknown Guest” marker is from February 2006. By this time, the marker has been smoothed over and the area is not deep enough to climb into. If I had to guess, the year probably changed annually and this was once a picture spot. Probably not sponsored by Kodak though.

Little old me posing outside of the fence in 2006. Always following rules! Any other readers recall this vintage picture spot?

See more Disneyland Tom Sawyer Island photos at my main website.
Little touches like this were a thing I missed. Also, how terrible that guests would climb over the railing like that. Who would do such a thing? ( check your e-mail )
Oh yes, there was an open grave 'for guests'. Heck... just ask me: LOOK HERE!
Wow...I don't remember this at all. Apparently they changed the date on the tombstone annually too. KS
Nanook - That photo is amazing!!!
Thanks for sharing Nanook. Very cool, I love it. That pic makes me think that no one ever intentionally filled it in. Just a gut feeling, but maybe dust, wind and efforts to rake around it may have filled it in to the 50% depth it would have later. Super cool to see that you could fit all the way inside it back then.
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