Richfield Oil sponsored the film “The World Beneath Us” in Tomorrowland, which was a 12 minute animated Cinemascope short telling the story of the earth and its geology. It lasted at the park from opening day until 1960. Patrick, I know it's not quite the interior shot you were looking for, but hopefully it will tide you over until that surfaces! Besides “The World Beneath Us,” Richfield also had a very prominent presence over at the Autopias for many years:

See more Disneyland Tomorrowland photos at my website.
Neat post Dave, help me out, where exactly was "The World Beneath Us" shown? Is it in the same side as the "Circarama" theater? A cinema scope film must have had a pretty big screen, I can't see how that fits in?
Also, NICE bench and Signage at the Omnibus stop in your second photo, those benches look pretty fancy!
More great shots!
Can you zoom in on the Mickey poster on the last Autopia shot? It is at the bottom. I wonder if it is a refurbishment sing...
Thanks Dave. I am still waiting for the interior shot!
I love the omnibus sign in the first shot. Can you imagine trying to get the bus up there today with the crowds?
Happy 2009!!!!!
Here's an example of a film that has (as far as I know) not been seen for MANY years... why doesn't it wind up on one of those "Treasures" DVDs devoted to the park? Instead we get segments that have already appeared on other DVDs. Arg!
Dave, I have a full color brochure explaining "The World Beneath Us" Richfield show in Disneyland. This brochure along with another brochure titled "Official Disneyland Road Map... Courtesy of your friendly Richfield Dealer" was mailed from an Oakland, Ca Richfield Station on July 9, 1955. These may be common, but if not I would be happy to send you photo's. Let me know. garyrenard@sbcglobal.net
Man! You just keep bringing it!
More wonderful shots---The Omnibus stop near the Matterhorn must have been fun, certainly a longer ride than you get now. Didn't it go all the way to the Fantasyland Train Station at one point?
Thanks for 2008---Looking forward to 2009...
Tim - The World Beneath Us” It was located on the set of buildings on the left hand side as you enter Tomorrowland, right next door to the Space Station X attraction
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