In the 1954 Garland film, “A Star is Born,” there are many moments of self-deprecating humor. NOBODY did that better than Judy! In this particular scene, her character (Esther Blodgett) is on set at the Oliver Niles Studio. Serving as a stand-in for the star, Esther is dressed in a luxurious mink coat, pampered over by wardrobe and makeup as she prepares for her first scene. The director coaches her just before the cameras roll: “Alright, now you know what I want, Esther. Put your arm out the window like this and you say ‘goodbye.’ It’s farewell, Esther, so give it all that you got!” Things start out well enough as Esther follows the directions to the letter:

In her excitement, Esther forgets that only the hand and arm should be visible to the camera. Her face peeks out the window and one of the crew shouts, “We saw her face!” causing filming to halt.

The director angrily admonishes her after she ruins the first take, “Just the arm and the hand; I don't want to see your face!” In the following takes, Esther cowers back in the seat to avoid being seen. Even through just the waving hand gesture, Garland conveys the despondency of her character who knows full well that this bit part will do nothing in propelling her to stardom.

In this publicity still, we see that gorgeous face that still brings joy to millions.

See more Judy Garland photos at my main website.
You've been quiet lately Dave. Hope all is well. KS
Thanks for checking - all is well. Sometimes life gets in the way...in a GOOD way!
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