Monday, July 17, 2023

Disneyland Opening Day Celebration!

On the anniversary of Disneyland’s Opening Day (July 17, 1955), I will post an assortment of shots from one of my favorite attractions: the Disneyland Railroad. The above Genuine FauxD© shot shows the time lapse tower from Opening Day as well as an assortment of highly collectible (at least today they are) vintage cars! Walt Disney’s oft told quote made before the Park was completed was this:

I just want it to look like nothing else in the world, and it should be surrounded by a train.

This 1956 image captures the joy of Disneyland. The E.P. Ripley is waiting at the Main Street, U.S.A. Train Station and in front, the little boy is proudly displaying his souvenir for the day, a pennant with Tinkerbell!

I was one of those Park nerds who would arrive WAAAAAAAY before opening, just to see the train pull up, see the smoke, and hear the whistle toot, letting guests know of its impending Grand Circle Tour around the Park. I would do my best to hustle through the turnstiles to board that first train and at least take it as far as the Frontierland/New Orleans Depot. Below is another 1956 gem:

See any hats or souvenirs you’d be interested in purchasing from The Disneyland News stand?

An undated 1950’s Genuine FauxD© shot of the Main Street Station:

A closeup of the Colorado Rockies passenger car, complete with summer bunting:

While on the topic of Walt quotes, according to Ward Kimball, Walt made this statement about the design/comfort of the cattle cars that were part of the original Disneyland Railroad fleet:

I want all the people inside those cars to feel the way the cows feel, looking out through the slats on a real cattle train!

Mission accomplished! These passengers look more like prisoners than Park guests in this 1956 shot:

A contemporary view from July 2008:

While I can’t say for sure when my next visit to the Park will be, I can guarantee you that this is the first thing I will be looking for upon arrival!

See more Disneyland Railroad photos at my main website.

1 comment:

Nanook said...

A really nice spread of images for DL's big day.

That's one of my favorite Walt quotes (the 1st one, that is). It is frightfully succinct and yet sums up Disneyland perfectly.

Thanks, Dave.