Monday, June 17, 2024

Marmont Monday: Anthony Perkins in 21, circa 1954

This batch of vintage shots from the Chateau Marmont with actor Anthony Perkins in residence was advertised as being from 1955. Judging by the balcony out the window, it would appear that this is room 21 facing the balcony of room 29. The same balcony from August 2006:

I went back and forth as to whether it was the balcony from 59, but that one is narrower and doesn’t match the wide one in the Perkins photo. Room 59 from December 2002:

The bedroom of 21, circa August 2013:

I wanted to see if I could confirm or deny the 1955 date of the trio of shots I purchased. On the floor was a Newsweek magazine and Daily Variety.

It took a bit of digging, but I found it! From February 22, 1954.

Daily Variety was a lot tougher, and although I was able to find one from the same week (below), it doesn’t match the one in the Perkins photo, which has the headline of “No Election [?] for local TV.”

I sure hope Perkins tipped housekeeping well. What a mess! See the cord that goes from the floor out the window? For all you youngsters, this 1954 photo was BEFORE cell phones. Gasp!

I wonder if he was calling Mother?

Apparently Perkins could multitask; ping-pong AND talking on the phone.

A detailed view of the champagne bucket and the vintage phone:

Also as a note of importance: room 21 was the first Chateau Marmont room where Willis took up residence:

The staff made sure to properly celebrate his arrival:

See more Chateau Marmont hotel photos at my main website.

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